Fracc. CAMPESTRE, enjoy the peace, tranquility and this place. You will love it
Lomas de San Diego is a Fracc. Campestre located in San Miguel Cuyutlán a little less than 45 minutes from Chapala and Guadalajara. It has a security booth, a cozy, fresh and illuminated house, which offers among other things a large living room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, T.V. room with excellent state of conservation. Acquire this property and enjoy the tranquility offered by this place full of vegetation, whether to live, rent or vacation is an excellent investment.
(The information is not official, may contain errors and involuntary omissions) (The expenses and taxes of deed and other charges related to the processing of a mortgage loan for the buyer are not included in the cost of sale, nor the furniture, appliances and art that may appear in photographs).